Te Ao Haka

  1. 2. Using Visual symbolism to convey meaning in a performance
  2. 4. A conscious body movement or stance which conveys meaning in performance, including using angles or organic body features, or dynamic movements.
  3. 5. Links Tone, volume and energy of a performance to the physical actions within the performance
  4. 7. Refers to the volume, energy, flow, speed of a performance; interaction between performers which portray the mood or atmosphere of the piece
  5. 9. The physical, historical, or type of context in which the performance takes place
  6. 10. The speed at which a piece of music or performance is played or paced
  7. 11. The way in which meaning is expressed through words, lyrics or music
  8. 12. The way in which a performance is created, written, choreographed, arranged, or conducted to give meaning
  1. 1. Taking on the role of a character and using performative skills to communicate the character to the audience
  2. 3. How the performance is delivered, including choices of volume, speed and flow, emotion and how the audience might feel when watching it.
  3. 6. Using verbal or visual symbolism to express something through performance
  4. 8. A sequence of musical notes which form a tune