Teaching Reading Skills in a foreign language - Efficient Reading and Word Attack Skills
- 1. varies in four ways, the way the text "looks"
- 3. glancing through a text to search for specific information
- 5. all the parts of a text that help the reader to locate information or predict what the text contains.
- 7. where the learner finds out the meaning of a word through its place in the sentence or its internal structure
- 8. can be improved with eye movement and sense groups, and other strategies
- 10. forming the sounds of the words you are reading
- 2. should be balanced with speed
- 4. a vocabulary type where the vocabulary is known and can also be used while producing language
- 6. usually consists of the writer's own estimation of the book's purpose, principal features and strong points.
- 9. glancing through a text to search for its gist