Teaching Traditions

  1. 4. He occasionally teaches wearing a Prussian pickelhaube
  2. 5. This computer science teacher gifts each former student a rubber duck when they graduate
  3. 8. She gives her students an “AP Stats Cats” pencil before AP test
  4. 9. He gives any former student a piece of candy every day until they graduate
  5. 10. She begins every Friday biology class with Rebecca Black’s “Friday”
  6. 12. Math teacher with an iconic joke about logarithms
  1. 1. This art teacher starts class with an exercise drawing a slide as it comes into focus
  2. 2. The first LHS teacher to start classes with “3 things you’re grateful for”
  3. 3. Physical education teacher with a weekly “Monday motivation”
  4. 6. He gives out brownies to current and former students every other Friday
  5. 7. His room slowly fills with rhinos as they teaches he French book “Rhinoceros”
  6. 11. She occasionally begins dance classes with a clip from a professional musical
  7. 13. He has brought classes indoor skydiving after AP tests