Technological Revolution

  1. 4. Affected by online class, electronic textbooks, Google
  2. 5. Has evolved and continues to advance in our and our parent's generation
  3. 7. Now online so customer service jobs are lost
  4. 8. They are lower in demand because of Netflix and other streaming sites (plural)
  5. 9. Body part affected by overuse of screens, often strained by electronics (plural)
  6. 10. Easily found and gathered online instead of searched for in books
  7. 12. Benefited by new fitness gadgets such as Fitbit and exercise machines
  8. 13. Online program commonly used now instead of paper maps for navigation (plural)
  9. 15. Incredibly easy to spread businesses and products by paying websites to display this
  10. 17. What social media, texts and video games do when someone is trying to study or work
  11. 18. Easily translated through Google Translate so it is easier to communicate with foreigners (plural)
  12. 19. Side effect of too much screen time, related to inactivity
  13. 20. Losing jobs because of online school (plural)
  1. 1. What is reduced as a positive consequence of electric cars
  2. 2. Downloaded and accessed electronically instead of purchasing CDs and the like
  3. 3. Our (blank) is young in the new age of technology, our parents’ was in the transition between the two, their parents were in the old age of technology
  4. 6. Losing subscribers and production due to online and televised news (plural)
  5. 7. Can influence people's perception of perfection and increase pressure to be perfect
  6. 9. The reason post offices are in peril
  7. 11. Affected by mobile phones, texting, and email
  8. 14. Change, especially in society's thinking
  9. 16. What people may lack if they only interact with others online (plural)
  10. 20. Rapid form of communication without speaking that makes it easier to reach people quickly