  1. 4. A handheld device on which electronic versions of books, newspapers, magazines, etc. can be read.
  2. 6. A mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a computer, typically having a touchscreen interface, internet access, and an operating system capable of running downloaded apps.
  3. 7. A centralized electronic system that can store messages from telephone callers.
  4. 11. a machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions automatically.
  5. 12. The notional environment in which communication over computer networks occurs.
  6. 13. A set of headphones, typically with a microphone attached, used especially in telephony and radio communication.
  7. 15. Messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network.
  1. 1. The correct or acceptable way of using the internet.
  2. 2. A person who regularly writes material for a blog.
  3. 3. A set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a single person or organization.
  4. 5. A small portable computer that accepts input directly on to its screen rather than via a keyboard or mouse.
  5. 7. A personal website or social media account where a person regularly posts short videos.
  6. 8. A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
  7. 9. The introductory page of a website, typically serving as a table of contents for the site.
  8. 10. A person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.
  9. 14. Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc.
  10. 16. A computer that is portable and suitable for use while travelling