
  1. 6. Preforms many functions and calculations that help run computers.
  2. 7. practical purposes
  3. 10. Skills, facts, and information
  4. 11. Refers to websites info and text
  5. 12. Large automatic system
  6. 14. Used series of 0 and 1
  7. 16. information used by a computer
  8. 18. Set of computers on a network that is managed as a unit
  9. 21. Electronic device that stores and processes data
  10. 22. An electronic way of sending mail over the internet
  11. 23. Software program that allows you to search the web
  12. 24. Branch of technology that deals with machines and structures
  13. 25. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
  1. 1. Dealing with motion and and forces that includes mathematics
  2. 2. Is a saved link to a certain web page
  3. 3. Branch of technology that deals with robots
  4. 4. Use of radio or microwaves
  5. 5. First thing that an internet browser opens up to
  6. 8. Use or operation of computers
  7. 9. Wireless communication intended to replace cables
  8. 13. Machinery collectively
  9. 14. Plan or drawing of a function
  10. 15. The application of scientific knowledge
  11. 17. A new method, idea, or product
  12. 19. Form of transmitting data
  13. 20. Relating or use of technology