
  1. 2. - usually people use one on everything
  2. 4. printer - we can print documents from computer
  3. 7. - application through which we can take photos and shoot videos
  4. 11. computer -a computer that has a monitor separate from the keyboard
  5. 12. - a board with letters and numbers and characters
  6. 13. - opposite of book that we can touch
  7. 14. - a computer that has a monitor separate with the keyboard
  8. 15. - we can see things on it
  1. 1. - connection that is sometimes slow and sometimes fast
  2. 3. browser - we can surf on it
  3. 5. - thing that have everyone in their hands whole time
  4. 6. subject that can move us up and down
  5. 8. - we mustn't give food this thing
  6. 9. - someone using funny nicknames with characters
  7. 10. we can search way to some places