
  1. 3. True or false? Gold is not a good conductor of electricity?
  2. 5. What does the abbreviation WWW stand for?
  3. 6. True or false? Atomic bombs work by atomic fission.
  4. 7. True or false? Nintendo was founded after the year 1900.
  5. 8. Nano, Shuffle, Classic and Touch are variations of what?
  6. 10. Did the original Sony Playstation use CDs or cartridges to play games?
  7. 12. Solar power generates electricity from what source?
  8. 13. Is the wavelength of infrared light too long or short to be seen by humans?
  1. 1. The Hubble Space Telescope is named after which American astronomer?
  2. 2. Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and Explorer are types of what?
  3. 4. In terms of computing, what does CPU stand for?
  4. 9. Along with whom did Bill Gates found Microsoft?
  5. 11. What is the Earth’s primary source of energy?