
  1. 2. I have everything on time.
  2. 3. The opposite of a sad person.
  3. 5. App to work with essays, presentations,etc.
  4. 6. When someone is very kind.
  5. 9. A program to make presentations, videos etc.
  6. 12. A person that can feel what other people are living.
  7. 14. Humans clones.
  8. 17. Third Anglo pride.
  9. 19. First Anglo pride.
  1. 1. Last Anglo pride.
  2. 4. The opposite of negative.
  3. 7. citizens Second Anglo pride.
  4. 8. a small handheld device that moves the cursor on the computer.
  5. 9. Electronic machine, it can control other computers.
  6. 10. Interconnected networks.
  7. 11. Fourth Anglo pride.
  8. 13. To hear music on your own.
  9. 15. The quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer.
  10. 16. An instrument or device used for observing, checking, or keeping a continuous record of a process or quantity.
  11. 18. Is a software program that's designed to perform a specific function directly for the user.