
  1. 5. difficult or complicated; has many different parts that are connected
  2. 6. an option that is already selected by a computer
  3. 8. the programs and applications used on a device
  4. 9. a place on the internet where you can see and do things
  5. 12. something that a website or a thing can do
  6. 13. liked by many people
  7. 14. the use of science and knowledge to create tools, machines, and systems that help us
  1. 1. facts or knowledge about something or someone
  2. 2. being safe and free from danger or threat
  3. 3. a reason or a thing that someone cares about or supports
  4. 4. to keep someone or something safe from harm or danger
  5. 7. a goal or a purpose that someone wants to achieve
  6. 9. not having a lot of power; easily broken or damaged
  7. 10. having a lot of power
  8. 11. being safe from harm or danger