  1. 3. used to record still or moving images
  2. 4. drawing or sheet that is placed in a text or printed to graphically represent what is exposed, exemplify it or make the result more attractive.
  3. 6. ideas traditions and customs that characterize a people, a social class at a time
  4. 9. set of data that configures a message that is issued by a sender and that is intended to reach the receiver
  1. 1. cultural and artistic activities.Recreation of one or several stories of a different nature through actors, speeches, music and scenery.
  2. 2. pictorial composition generally made without authorization in public places, on a wall or other surface
  3. 3. electronics capable of storing information and processing it automatically through mathematical operations
  4. 5. obtaining images by the chemical action of light on a surface with certain characteristics
  5. 6. technique and an art that consists of the capture, assembly and projection of frames quickly and successively
  6. 7. Art of combining sounds in a temporal sequence according to the laws of harmony, melody and rhythm, or of producing them with musical instruments
  7. 8. world-class computer science that uses the telephone line to transmit information