
  1. 3. -an electric socket
  2. 8. - a computer screen or a device with a screen on which words or pictures can be shown
  3. 9. Drive - another word for flash drive
  4. 10. - a piece of electrical equipment for playing recorded sound, through which the sound is played.
  5. 13. - a device shaped like a box with a screen that receives electrical signals and changes them into moving images and sound, or the method or business of sending images and sound by electrical signals
  6. 15. -a small, flat computer that is controlled by touching the screen or by using a special pen
  7. 16. -a piece of equipment that you speak into to make your voice louder, or to record your voice or other sounds
  8. 20. - a device for taking photographs or making films or television programmes
  1. 1. a device that is used to recharge a battery (= fill it with electricity)
  2. 2. - a machine that is connected to a computer and prints onto paper using ink
  3. 4. - a computer that is small enough to be carried around easily and is flat when closed
  4. 5. Console - a piece of electronic equipment for playing games on
  5. 6. an electronic machine that is used for storing, organizing, and finding words, numbers, and pictures, for doing calculations, and for controlling other machines
  6. 7. a small device that you move across a surface in order to move a cursor on your computer screen
  7. 11. - the set of keys on a computer or typewriter that you press in order to make it work
  8. 12. - a device that produces electricity to provide power for electronic devices
  9. 14. - a camera that records moving pictures and sound and allows these to be broadcast on the internet as they happen
  10. 17. - a small electronic device that is used for doing calculations:
  11. 18. - a set of wires, covered by plastic, that carries electricity, phone signals
  12. 19. - a device for reading information into a computer system
  13. 21. Phone - a phone that is connected to the phone system by radio instead of by a wire, and can be used anywhere its signals can be received