
  1. 2. To get a file from another computer and bring it to your computer.
  2. 4. written set of rules signed by teachers, students, and parents outlining terms and condition of Internet use. Ours is in your handbook
  3. 5. Computer pages you can get to through the World Wide Web.
  4. 6. A group of computers that are connected
  5. 8. A computer whose information is accessible to Internet users.
  6. 9. HyperText Markup Language which is the programming language of the World Wide Web.
  7. 10. Software that allows users to access and navigate the World Wide Web (i.e. Explorer, Netscape, etc.)
  1. 1. A personal list that allows users to create a linked list to their favorite sites.
  2. 3. The first screen of information that appears when the address of a Web site is typed in.
  3. 7. The way that people send and receive written messages over the Internet.