
  1. 1. when a computer stops functioning properly,often due to software failure
  2. 7. a computer system that stores and manages information
  3. 8. a visual representation of a body part for medical diagnosis
  4. 10. having artificial body parts
  5. 12. progress or improvement, moving forward
  6. 13. to identify an illness or disease
  1. 2. to choose
  2. 3. software that is designed to damage computer systems
  3. 4. the main circuit place in the computer
  4. 5. a type of technology, for eg a smart phone or piece of software
  5. 6. the physical components of a computer system
  6. 9. to put in place a plan or idea
  7. 11. a device that connects a device to the internet and passes information
  8. 12. breakthrough, a discovery that changes the way we see things