Technology Crossword

  1. 5. Member of different groups
  2. 6. the trail you leave behind as you use the internet, such as your comments on social media and the websites you visit
  3. 8. viruses and spyware is categorized as ______
  4. 11. Participating in your world in a responsible way.
  5. 12. Being both proficient in the use of new technologies and comfortable in the atmosphere of cyberspace.
  6. 13. relating to or involving an image, video, piece of information, that is circulated rapidly and widely from one internet user
  7. 15. Participating in the cyber world
  1. 1. Play an important part in making today’s culture so interconnected.
  2. 2. the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information
  3. 3. taking responsibility for your role in cyberspace and engaging in positive and ethical decision-making to stay safe online.
  4. 4. People who were born after the invention of digital technology and have grown up using it.
  5. 7. a tool that helps someone sort through billions of websites to locate those that are specific to their search
  6. 9. Online environment of the cyber world in which communications take place.
  7. 10. Places that exist not in the real world but only online
  8. 12. The modern world of computers, communications, and other digital technologies, such as mobile devices.
  9. 14. a file written with the sole intention of doing harm