Technology Crossword

  1. 3. The condition of something which is unlikely to cause any danger.
  2. 6. The high pressure of an electrical circuit.
  3. 10. The technology to control using devices as inputs.
  4. 15. A device which detects and measures physical motion and movement.
  5. 17. A controller which cooperates as a microprocessor.
  6. 19. A software which turns a digital model of a product into instructions for a 3D printing software.
  7. 21. Having the ability to harden up permanently after being heated up.
  8. 22. An item made from polymers of acrylic acid.
  9. 24. A machine with a rotating sharp edge used to dig holes in the ground.
  10. 25. Made up of molecules bonding together.
  11. 26. A visual drawing of what a product may look like with its features.
  1. 1. The capability of an item to clean and polish a product.
  2. 2. The way a product or item works.
  3. 4. Sound waves above the hearing frequency of a human being.
  4. 5. Something online that you cannot touch.
  5. 7. Used for eye protection.
  6. 8. A cutting tool used to shape and model products.
  7. 9. A way a product contacts with the human body.
  8. 11. A complete circular path electricity flows through.
  9. 12. A powerful light which glows when consuming high electricity.
  10. 13. Starting or unfinished stage of a product.
  11. 14. The way a product or item looks.
  12. 16. A device used to heat and bend polymers.
  13. 18. The process of way the design is being made.
  14. 19. A quick and brief drawing of visuals of an product.
  15. 20. A more sustainable way things can get rid of.
  16. 23. A table of requirements needed to follow.