Technology II

  1. 5. The latest or most advanced stage in the development of something.
  2. 7. A sudden, urgent, usually unexpected event or happening requiring immediate action.
  3. 10. To have the ability for.
  4. 14. Suitable or agreeable to the purpose; useful; helpful.
  5. 15. A discouraging or negative aspect.
  6. 16. An effort made to accomplish something.
  1. 1. Of, characterized by, or subject to controversy.
  2. 2. Costing much; high in price.
  3. 3. To provide with what is needed for use or for an undertaking; supply (with).
  4. 4. An expression of discontent, regret, pain, resentment, or grief.
  5. 6. To do something in order to achieve something or in order to solve a problem
  6. 8. To make able; authorize; give power or ability.
  7. 9. Of frequent occurrence; usual; familiar.
  8. 11. The sum total of two or more quantities or sums; quantity.
  9. 12. To prohibit, forbid.
  10. 13. A thing made for a particular purpose, especially a mechanical or electric invention.
  11. 16. To keep away from; stay or keep clear of; to prevent from happening.