Technology Memories

  1. 8. caluclations
  2. 10. mark large scale
  3. 13. Charles Babbage
  4. 14. hardware setup
  5. 15. assistant
  6. 16. perrow
  7. 17. medical
  8. 20. timekeeping
  9. 21. size
  1. 1. planning
  2. 2. mechanical relays
  3. 3. target for hackers
  4. 4. easy to use
  5. 5. access to files
  6. 6. adalovelace
  7. 7. transistors
  8. 9. punch cards
  9. 11. mechanical relay
  10. 12. research
  11. 18. gears 10 pins
  12. 19. games