Technology Vocabulary

  1. 3. replacement of a single course of stonework by two or more lower courses.
  2. 6. a piece of writing or other work reflecting such unauthorized use or imitation.
  3. 8. a secret word or expression used by authorized persons to prove their right to access, information, etc.
  4. 11. Wide Area Network
  5. 12. Drive a very small, portable, solid-state hard drive that can be inserted to a USB port for storage and retrieval of data.
  6. 13. an external serial bus interface standard for connecting peripheral devices to a computer, as in USB port or USB cable.
  7. 15. Local Area Network
  8. 17. an online or networked identity adopted or claimed in cyberspace by an individual, organization or electronic device.
  9. 18. a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites.
  10. 19. a website that allows users to add, delete, or revise content by using a web browser.
  1. 1. the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.
  2. 2. to grant authoritative permission or license to.
  3. 4. the use of software components for software development.
  4. 5. an integrated collection of security measures designed to prevent unauthorized electronic access to a networked computer system.
  5. 6. a device or unit that operates separately from the CPU but is connected to it, as a mouse, printer, speakers, etc.
  6. 7. Acceptable Use Policy
  7. 9. disruptive online messages, especially commercial messages posted on a computer network or sent as email.
  8. 10. the rules of etiquette that apply when communicating over computer networks, especially the internet.
  9. 14. use reasonable and limited use of copyrighted material so as not to infringe upon copyright.
  10. 16. Security protects your network and data from breaches, intrusions and other threats.