
  1. 3. a device that is used for storing computer data and that contains one or more hard disks
  2. 5. to study closely and carefully
  3. 6. a small, thin package
  4. 9. the ability of a device to show an image clearly and with a lot of detail
  5. 11. a machine with a revolving vertical spindle and cutter for milling out the surface of wood or metal
  1. 1. a machine, company, etc., that treats, prepares, or handles something
  2. 2. any one of the very small dots that together form the picture on a television screen, computer monitor
  3. 4. the numeric address of a computer on the Internet
  4. 7. to change from one form to another especially to hide its meaning
  5. 8. disk a small, thin, square case with a flexible disk inside on which data for a computer can be stored
  6. 10. a collection of files or documents that are stored together on a computer