
  1. 1. To free
  2. 2. Not actively working
  3. 4. A time when you are free from work obligations
  4. 8. Changes in the 18th century that brought new technology
  5. 10. Not in contact or communication
  6. 11. Aware or knowing
  7. 12. Being alone or away from other people
  8. 14. Shocking, overwhelming, astonishing
  9. 15. To be good for, to be of service to
  1. 1. Reduces work performed by humans
  2. 3. Something heavy or difficult
  3. 5. Ability to do a lot of work
  4. 6. Harassed or forced
  5. 7. The knowledge or feeling that you will not lose your employment
  6. 9. Passing time playing and not doing work (often in a negative way)
  7. 13. Wrong, in the wrong way, to the side
  8. 15. Tied