
  1. 1. To visit protected websites illegally, to steal personal infos online
  2. 5. The punctuation mark used as full stop
  3. 7. A person not used to computers or technology
  4. 11. It is where people leave you messages if they can't reach you on the phone
  5. 13. Any kind of program for PC
  6. 17. A person who posts video on Youtube
  7. 18. A page of a Power Point Presentation or a Keynote
  8. 19. To call the same person again
  9. 20. www
  10. 21. To make a photograph clear
  1. 1. To underline
  2. 2. To make a webpage or a slide white
  3. 3. What you use to click
  4. 4. The action of a camera taking a picture
  5. 6. Collection of data organized with a certain order
  6. 8. The amount of time a film is opened to light
  7. 9. Bar at the far end of a webpage, used to go up and down
  8. 10. Web "trash"
  9. 12. What you use to digit a sentence
  10. 14. A person who handles and looks after a blog
  11. 15. To write with a keyboard
  12. 16. Google is one of the most famous
  13. 21. The fancy styles of writing that a computer program like Word has