
  1. 4. edison/ inventor of the light bulb
  2. 6. Lamarr/ wifi inventor
  3. 7. car/ uses GPS to get were it needs to go
  4. 9. Page/ one of the inventors of google
  5. 10. Einstein/ inventer of the nuke
  6. 16. Latham Sholes/ invented the keyboard
  7. 17. uses satellite to tell you were you are
  8. 18. Robert Watson/ first ever radar
  1. 1. made travelling in the sky's
  2. 2. glass/ made by google
  3. 3. Systrom/ inventor of instagram
  4. 5. jobs/ inventor of apple
  5. 8. gram bell/ inventor of the phone
  6. 11. gates/ inventor of Microsoft
  7. 12. farnsworth/ inventor of the TV
  8. 13. 128-64-32-16-8-4-2-1
  9. 14. Enlargement invented the mouse
  10. 15. Carlson/ inventor of the printer