
  1. 3. _____genetically altered, for short
  2. 9. the cleaning of water through a _______ system
  3. 10. fake, in the medical industry
  4. 12. device that converts information from one format to another
  5. 13. age with the rebirth of arts and humanities
  6. 14. time period where continuous manufacturing was created
  7. 16. era based on copper
  8. 17. what occurred from 450 to 1400 AD
  9. 20. _____ production on a loop
  1. 1. creation of something brand new
  2. 2. end result
  3. 4. process of creating products
  4. 5. first physical design
  5. 6. device that sends the signal
  6. 7. genetic manipulation of microorganisms
  7. 8. device that reveals the message
  8. 11. place of origin
  9. 15. not an invention
  10. 18. first era with fire
  11. 19. ______ production for a unique product