
  1. 3. A _________ is an invention that we use to call or text people.
  2. 5. If you _________, you hire part time or temporarily.
  3. 6. Skills that are valued by businesses and organizations are called...
  4. 7. __________________ is software used to assist in precision drawing.
  5. 12. Schools are apart of _________.
  6. 13. An invention that connects us to other people and helps us learn things is called the...
  7. 14. ______________ is when you believe in yourself enough to do something.
  8. 15. _______ is another word for truthfulness.
  9. 17. Reducing the staff and services in a business is called...
  10. 18. Teams that have special skills and work on a specific projects are called...
  11. 20. Sports, hobbies, and stuff we like to do for fun are all a part of __________.
  1. 1. Using computers to connect to other computers to do work is called...
  2. 2. ____________________ is a sickness that people get from being stuck in office buildings all day.
  3. 4. __________________ is when tasks are done automatically with computers controlling them.
  4. 8. ________________ is when you are fully ready to start learning.
  5. 9. Skills that you learn in school and by personal exieriences are called...
  6. 10. Faithfullness is another word for _______.
  7. 11. Hospitals and pharmacies are a part of __________.
  8. 16. A ________ has a moniotor, mouse, keyboard, and a hard drive.
  9. 19. An inventiopn we use to whatch movies and shows is called...