  1. 2. A small program that can be downloaded which allows users to enhance their browser
  2. 3. A famous shopping website ,based on the name of a forest
  3. 4. Converts a computer program into computer understandable language
  4. 8. code A program written in any language
  5. 9. a device used to play games
  6. 10. developer of a famous social media app
  7. 11. it is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by a web browser for maintaining the state. What we are talking about?
  8. 12. A place in memory to store a value
  9. 14. on line word processing tool
  10. 15. disk A storage device inside the system unit
  11. 16. a output device to display your output
  12. 18. pay A popular payment app by google
  13. 19. company which developed IOS Operating software
  1. 1. A popular online war based game
  2. 2. A program in execution
  3. 5. another name of CPU
  4. 6. the CPU and Ram are places on this chip
  5. 7. protocol Full form of IP
  6. 10. A game which recently got back on the top list
  7. 13. which google product shifted from PHP to python
  8. 16. A famous anti-virus software
  9. 17. A half byte is known as_____.
  10. 18. The way in which google map finds location
  11. 20. An internet echo message used to confirm the reachability of a network device