Tectonic Plates

  1. 5. Crust that is under the ocean.
  2. 6. Valleys that are formed by Divergent boundarys.
  3. 7. Crust above water.
  4. 12. A rupture in Earths crust that alows magma to flow through it.
  5. 14. Tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.
  6. 15. When new oceanic crust is formed becuse magma from the mantle hardens and becomes new rock.
  7. 16. A trasform fault in California.
  8. 18. Where one Tectonic plate slides under another one and goes to the mantle.
  9. 19. Tectonic plates that are sliding past each other.
  10. 20. A therory in which the earth is divided among several plates that float on the mantle.
  1. 1. Earths crust and upper mantle.
  2. 2. The "plates" that earths crust is made of.
  3. 3. Tectonic plates that move towards each other.
  4. 4. A underwater mountain range formed by plate tectonics.
  5. 8. The gradual movement of the continents across the Earth's surface.
  6. 9. Sudden shaking of the earth's crustdue to transform boundarys.
  7. 10. A mid-ocean ridge in the middle of the Alantic Ocean.
  8. 11. Currents in the Earth's mantle that move the Tectonic Plates.
  9. 13. A supercontinent that exsisted when all plates where one.
  10. 17. The man who came up with the theroy of Plate Tectonics.