Tectonic Plates

  1. 3. Wegener’s 3 pieces of evidence to support continental drift – _________, Fossils, and climate
  2. 4. an organism preserved in rock
  3. 7. a large, broken section of Earth’s lithosphere
  4. 9. <— —>
  5. 10. most scientists __________ his theory because he was unable to prove the driving force causing the movement of the continents
  6. 13. convection currents act as giant “________” and drive the movement of Earth’s plates
  7. 14. the continuous heating and cooling of magma in the mantle creates _________ currents
  8. 16. _______ and South America look as though they could fit together like puzzle pieces
  9. 18. scientists believe convection ________ within the Earth’s mantle are slowly causing the plates to move
  10. 19. scientists estimate that most of Earth’s plates move at a rate of 2.5 _________ per year
  11. 20. a theory that states that the continents are slowly moving or “drifting” to new locations
  1. 1. there are _____ main types of crust that cover Earth’s surface
  2. 2. an extinct fern-like plant whose fossil remains have been found on several continents separated by large distances
  3. 5. German scientist and meteorologist
  4. 6. plate _________ is a location where 2 tectonic plates meet
  5. 8. plate _________ is a theory that the Earth’s lithosphere is broken into plates that move slowly over time
  6. 11. ________ boundaries is a location where 2 tectonic plates slide past each other
  7. 12. Wegener’s 3 pieces of evidence to support continental drift – Landforms, _______, and climate
  8. 15. all of Earth’s continents joined together as one giant landmass
  9. 17. —> <—