Tectonic Plates

  1. 2. the solid top layer of earth
  2. 4. scientific theory about the constantly changing surface of the Earth is called plate___
  3. 7. what tectonic plate do we live on in the United States?
  4. 9. the solid top layer of Earth floats on this melted layer underneath
  5. 12. another word for crust
  6. 13. when all the continents were together
  7. 14. the largest tectonic plate
  8. 16. what most tectonic plates are made of
  9. 17. the last name of the person who discovered continental drift
  10. 18. plate in Europe
  11. 20. number of minor tectonic plates
  1. 1. plate in Africa
  2. 2. when two plates mash together it is called a convergent____
  3. 3. the lithosphere is _____into pieces
  4. 5. plate in Australia
  5. 6. when the continents slowly moved over time it is called continental___
  6. 8. two plates that slide past each other form this type of boundary
  7. 10. convergent collision forms this sometimes
  8. 11. boundary forms when two plates move away from each other
  9. 15. melted rock in the asthenosphere
  10. 19. number of major tectonic plates