
  1. 1. COLLIDE
  2. 4. core liquid part of core
  3. 8. crack in earth
  4. 9. the mechanic model of earth
  5. 13. we live on these
  6. 15. boundary SEPARATE
  7. 16. crust floats on this
  8. 17. squishing with intense pressure
  9. 18. lower level of mantle
  1. 1. two parts very hot
  2. 2. developed by Alfred Wegener
  3. 3. Alfred Wegener
  4. 5. crust and uppermost part of mantle
  5. 6. core solid part of core
  6. 7. oceanic plate sinks
  7. 10. thin layer of rock
  8. 11. SLIDE PASS
  9. 12. Harry Hess
  10. 14. thickest layer 66% of earth