Temperate Deciduous Forest

  1. 3. what is the relationship between the bird and deer?
  2. 5. what is the relationship between the red fox and rabbit?
  3. 8. Similar to the red fox, what adaptation allows the white tailed deer to survive during winter?
  4. 10. Is the human impact negative or positive on this ecosystem?
  5. 14. what is the elevation of this ecosystem?
  1. 1. What is the main abiotic factor of this ecosystem?
  2. 2. Genus what, is the scientific name for the oak tree?
  3. 4. what is the largest city near one of these forests?
  4. 6. What kind of rain forest is this ecosystem similar to?
  5. 7. What falls off the trees in winter and grows back in fall?
  6. 8. What adaptation allows fox to stay warm during winter?
  7. 9. Odocoileus what is the scientific name for a white tailed deer?
  8. 11. Is this ecosystem found north or south of the equator?
  9. 12. This word twice is the scientific name for a red fox.
  10. 13. does this ecosystem receive high or low amounts of water?
  11. 15. what small animal is found in this ecosystem?