Term 1 - Australian Agrigulture

  1. 2. This is a type of plant that is special because they put nitrogen back into the soil. Examples of the type of plant includes clover and lucerne
  2. 4. This form of erosion is caused by water concentrating into many, closely-spaced small channels.
  3. 9. This is the title given to someone who studies the weather
  4. 14. This is another name for the shape of the land. It is also a factor in soil formation.
  5. 15. A name given to many of the early Australian farmers
  6. 16. Sir … Macarthur played an important role in establishing the Australian Merino sheep industry
  7. 17. … material is the key element that separates rock from soil
  1. 1. What is the name for a vertical section of soil, which goes from the topsoil down to the parent material and shows all of the different soil horizons present in an area?
  2. 3. The main focus of Sustainable Agriculture is ensuring the ongoing health of the …
  3. 5. This is one of the four farming regions found in Australia. It is the coldest farming region and includes Tasmania and Victoria.
  4. 6. When farmers use techniques such as rotation cropping and planting cover crops, they are participating in a … form of agriculture
  5. 7. Another name for the A horizon of a soil profile
  6. 8. When tiny particles of soil are held in the air by the wind, it is called …
  7. 10. This is the process by which water is absorbed up into the atmosphere
  8. 11. When you alternate the crop that you plant between several different crops, it is called … cropping.
  9. 12. This is one of the four farming regions found in Australia. It is the driest farming region and encompasses most of central Australia
  10. 13. What is it called when soil is washed away by water or wind?