Term one 100 turning points

  1. 4. Court decides its Supremacy with Marbury vs. Madison-1803
  2. 8. Removal Act-1830
  3. 9. Morse Introduces the Telegraph-1844
  4. 13. at the Battle of Yorktown-1781
  5. 15. Settler kills a Native American, Kings Phillips War begins-1675
  6. 16. fires the “Shot Heard Round the World” Lexington and Concord-1775
  7. 17. African Slaves sold in America-1619
  8. 18. Canal is Started-1817
  9. 19. of Rights Drafted-1789
  10. 20. Arrives-1620
  11. 21. is Discovered in California-1848
  12. 22. C. Calhoun begins the Nullification Crisis-1828
  13. 23. Massacre and Trial-1770
  14. 24. Jackson goes to battle over the Second Bank of the US-1832
  1. 1. Court decides Dredd Scott vs. Sandford-1857
  2. 2. Jefferson Purchases Louisiana from Napoleon-1803
  3. 3. Burn Washington-1814
  4. 5. Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence-1776
  5. 6. Squanto Save the Pilgrims-1621
  6. 7. Arrives in the “New World”-1492
  7. 10. Convention and First State to Ratify-1787
  8. 11. Founded-1607
  9. 12. Witchcraft/Trial-1692
  10. 14. Suffragists meet in Seneca Falls-1848
  11. 21. Washington ignites the French and Indian War-1754