Terms of Game

  1. 2. ­a practice gamers use to collect commodity
  2. 7. more added to the original
  3. 11. Good Game
  4. 12. contract
  5. 13. Extra time to play, break the tie
  6. 14. the act of hanging out in a single area
  7. 16. can not be seen ahead of time
  8. 19. a game that picks up where the 1st stopped
  9. 20. successfully reach or finish a task
  1. 1. the title of the person who runs the project
  2. 3. someone who is new to the game(not good)
  3. 4. ­a software package that enables the creation
  4. 5. a game representing war
  5. 6. where plans in a game will not change
  6. 8. a single-player game, card game
  7. 9. Video games are broken into bite­size chunks
  8. 10. moveable gunsight used to aim shots
  9. 15. the thing you aim for/ try to hit
  10. 17. no extra lives, dies, the game is over
  11. 18. a truncated version of a game