hAPPy new year!

  1. 4. More than one app team member has resided in this non-CA city.
  2. 7. ______ + Kathy’s former company = Andrew and Carey’s former company.
  3. 9. Who has been called a Karen in public and was proud of the reason?
  4. 12. Frontend screwdriver.
  5. 16. Bird owner in the app team.
  6. 17. Fleeting.
  7. 18. Nimble methodology.
  8. 19. Who do you blame if something breaks?
  9. 20. A Christmas Carol character minus the size reference.
  1. 1. Sprint related potatoes.
  2. 2. What [1] would call cookies.
  3. 3. Connection between standup and radio.
  4. 5. Kathy and Kate both have at least one _____.
  5. 6. This app team member used to work for the trademarked “happiest place on earth” company.
  6. 8. _____ + software = tax technology firm.
  7. 10. Andrew’s connection to the Spice Girls.
  8. 11. Greek letter in Ourania’s smoke testing team.
  9. 13. Fullstack developer’s bones.
  10. 14. App team member who is in a band.
  11. 15. Name that within it implies having a furry companion.