
  1. 1. - Hasit's birthday mont
  2. 3. - Toronto's NBA team
  3. 9. - Music Hasit will listen to
  4. 13. - Divya's Love Language
  5. 15. - Divya's Medium (psychic)
  6. 16. - Divya works for
  7. 18. - Diyva's favorite artist
  8. 19. - The curry Divya will make
  9. 21. - Hasit's height
  10. 22. - Hasit's favorite movies
  1. 2. - turnoff for both Hasit and DIvya
  2. 4. - Divya' favorite TV Show
  3. 5. - Movie Divya watches every year
  4. 6. - One of Hasit's turn on's
  5. 7. - One of Divya's favorite TV shows
  6. 8. - Hasit and Divya's Thai entree
  7. 10. - DIvya has been to this city for work and found it "boring.
  8. 11. - Divya's drink of choice
  9. 12. - One of Divya's turn on's
  10. 14. - What Divya gets very easily
  11. 17. - Hasit's favorite TV Sho
  12. 20. - Divya's preferred Pizza