Tatler December

  1. 1. A winter holiday in Spanish
  2. 3. Archaic term for Christmas
  3. 4. Another winter sport
  4. 6. A brief period of very cold weather
  5. 7. The snowman
  6. 8. Used in the celebration of Chanukah (Hanukah)
  7. 9. Melted snow
  8. 11. What has a carrot for a nose?
  9. 13. Holiday song
  10. 15. Singer of top-hit Christmas song
  11. 17. A winter sport
  12. 19. Prancer and Dancer, for example
  13. 23. Protects your neck from a chill
  14. 24. Protects your hands from a chill
  15. 25. Shape of a winter treat
  16. 26. What you might decorate for Christmas
  17. 28. Used in Christmas floral display
  1. 2. Grows from your roof
  2. 5. What your car might slip on
  3. 8. You might send a ___ to friends and family
  4. 10. Deliverer of presents
  5. 12. What you don't want to get caught in
  6. 14. Where are you decking?
  7. 16. What you might do on New Year's eve
  8. 18. Tree decor
  9. 20. Popular holiday drink
  10. 21. The month?
  11. 22. Sprightly
  12. 23. What you might slip on
  13. 27. Brrr!