
  1. 4. To find and restore deleted information
  2. 5. A person watching TV
  3. 6. The general term for journalists and photographers working for newspapers and any other media: the...
  4. 8. The English word for "übertragen, ausstrahlen"
  5. 9. a synonym for the underlined part of the expression "turn sth on"
  6. 10. The English word for "unvoreingenommen"
  1. 1. A social ... is, for example, a website or app that allows users to connect, communicate, and share information with others online.
  2. 2. If you want to sell something, you can place an ... in the local newspaper
  3. 3. News, documentaries and other TV shows are often ... by commercials.
  4. 7. If a series has low ..., it is unpopular with the audience.