Test 3: Chapter 8, 9 & 10

  1. 8. effects of radiation on the embryo-fetus in utero
  2. 9. shedding of the outer layer of skin
  3. 10. reviews regulations by the ICRP and decides ways to include those recommendations in US radiation protection criteria
  4. 12. provides radiation protection guidance through general recommendations on occupational and public dose limits
  5. 16. syndrome that occurs at whole body dose of 50Gyt or more of radiation
  6. 20. annual dose limit for education and training purposes
  7. 22. effects that occur minutes, hours, days, weeks after irradiation
  8. 23. the most pronounced effect of radiation on the hematopoietic system is a __________in the number of blood cells
  9. 24. third stage of ARS when signs and symptoms of the syndromes are observed
  10. 27. the hematopoietic system is the most ____________ vital organ system in humans
  11. 28. annual occupational dose limit recommendation
  12. 30. high possibility a single dose of ____Gyt of radiation will induce the formation of cataracts
  13. 31. radiation sickness that occurs after whole body reception of large doses of ionizing radiation over a short period of time
  14. 32. part of the eye that is moderately radiosensitive
  1. 1. syndrome that occurs with dose ranging from 1-10Gyt
  2. 2. point at which effects begin to appear and below which they are absent
  3. 3. bone cancer seen in radium watch dial painters
  4. 4. point mutations that will probably occur in the offspring
  5. 5. NCRP recommends monthly EqD limit not exceeding ______ monthly for pregnant radiation worker
  6. 6. period of ARS where no visible symptoms occur
  7. 7. sterility that occurs in both male and female after of dose of 2Gyt
  8. 11. model that predicts that a specific number of excess cancers will occur as a result of exposure
  9. 13. the initial stage of ARS that presents with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  10. 14. type of effects that directly relate to the dose of radiation received
  11. 15. syndrome that occurs at 6 Gyt and peaks after 10Gyt
  12. 17. hypothesis that a positive effect exists for certain populations that are continuously exposed to radiation
  13. 18. science that deals with the incidence, distribution, and control of disease in a population
  14. 19. reddening of the skin caused by excessive exposure to radiation
  15. 20. radiation worker's lifetime effective dose limited to age in years times _________
  16. 21. most important stochastic effect
  17. 22. loss of hair
  18. 25. effects that severity of the effect does not depend on dose received
  19. 26. when living organism experience biologic damage from radiation exposure, the results are
  20. 29. the middle layer of skin