Test #3 Review

  1. 2. S.10 of the Charter stipulates that an arrested person has the right to be informed of the _____.
  2. 3. _____ force can be used by police to protect self or others from injury.
  3. 5. If public police services have a political accountability, private police are more accountable through the _____.
  4. 6. The 2nd highest use-of-force option: _____ tools.
  5. 7. The more serious the incident, the less ability police have to use _____.
  6. 11. Acronym, Ontario's provincial police service
  7. 13. Crime _____: one of the 3 main categories of police activity
  8. 14. Obliged under the MB Police Services Act, 2009, Wpg city council recently established the Wpg Police _____.
  9. 16. Royal Newfoundland _____
  10. 17. Court of Queen's _____, MB's superior trial court.
  11. 20. The MB Police Services Act, 2009, established the MB Police _____.
  12. 23. Provincial courts never sit with a _____.
  13. 24. _____ of policing: increasing role in safety & security played by private firms & para-police officers
  14. 26. Racial _____: targeting members of a racial group on the basis of the supposed criminal propensity of the entire group.
  15. 28. Skolnick's concept of "working personality" of police suggested it contributed to _____ moral & political views
  16. 31. Crime _____: movement of criminal activity from one area to another that results from crime "prevention".
  17. 34. Judicial _____: tribunals that are fair, impartial & immune from political interference.
  18. 37. It is the _____ that chooses whether a hybrid offence will be pursued as summary conviction or indictable.
  19. 38. _____ Ojibway Police Service, in MB
  20. 41. One of the 3 Rs of traditional/professional policing: _____ response.
  1. 1. _____ rate: the proportion of incidents known to police that result in identification of suspect
  2. 2. One of the 3 Rs of traditional/professional policing: _____ investigation.
  3. 4. Police encouraging or pressuring someone to commit an offence.
  4. 7. RCMP training centre in Regina
  5. 8. For _____ indictable offences, the accused can choose which court hears his or her case.
  6. 9. If an officer believes you have committed or are about to commit an indictable offence, s/he may arrest you without a _____.
  7. 10. Nearly all criminal cases are begun and disposed of in _____ courts.
  8. 12. The MB Police Services Act, 2009, was drafted on the recommendation of the _____ Inquiry.
  9. 15. Court of Queen's Bench judges are appointed by the _____ government.
  10. 16. Federal legislation that sets out our criminal laws
  11. 18. Hybrid offences are also known as "_____ procedure".
  12. 19. "_____ officers:" Previously experienced officers who move between police services
  13. 21. The MB Police Services Act, 2009, has also established the _____ (acronym) to help ensure police accountability.
  14. 22. There is a _____ month limitation period to summary conviction offences.
  15. 25. Evidence gathered illegally may be excluded if it would “bring the administration of justice into _____.”
  16. 27. One of the 3 Rs of traditional/professional policing: _____ patrol.
  17. 29. The smallest category of indictable offence is those under the absolute jurisdiction of _____ courts.
  18. 30. A court of appeal will generally have no _____ box.
  19. 32. _____ policing: arrangement whereby RCMP provides provincial or municipal policing services
  20. 33. Search warrants are not required if it means preventing the destruction of _____.
  21. 35. Controlled _____ and Substances Act: a federal act, separate from the Criminal Code, that deals with narcotics offences
  22. 36. _____ courts travel to remote communities to hear cases.
  23. 39. _____ maintenance: one of the 3 main categories of police activity
  24. 40. A community policing approach might call for _____ geographic areas for personnel.