Test your guiding knowledge

  1. 3. Three-lobed leaf featured in our logo (7)
  2. 6. Colour of the Animal lover interest badge (4)
  3. 9. The highest Girlguiding youth award (11)
  4. 11. This interest badge starts with a carrot and moves on to wood (9)
  5. 14. Girlguiding patron, Her Majesty (3,5)
  6. 15. Gathering at a national or international level (8)
  7. 17. '___ Baden-Powell', Girlguiding co-founder (5)
  8. 19. Girlguiding community for women aged 18 - 30 (7)
  9. 20. Brownie groupings (5)
  1. 1. Girlguiding activity centre based in the New Forest (8)
  2. 2. We're part of this global association (6)
  3. 4. Minimum age to join Rainbows (4)
  4. 5. Pledge made by all members when they join guiding (7)
  5. 7. '_ Well', one of our six programme (2) themes
  6. 8. Rainbow mascot (6)
  7. 10. Guiding section for girls aged 10 - 14 (6)
  8. 12. Type of badge that can be done at home (8)
  9. 13. In the past, this section was part of The Senior Section (7)
  10. 16. Anna __, adventurer and Girlguiding ambassador (6)
  11. 18. Our online membership system (2)