Test your knowledge

  1. 3. our director
  2. 4. private conversation
  3. 6. this happens every Sunday
  4. 8. an apology
  5. 9. One State in which we can bill to the account
  6. 11. where we download programs to watch
  7. 13. quality guidelines
  8. 15. set top box
  9. 18. Script for snowy screen
  10. 19. what we use to change the channel
  1. 1. fulfillment required on most calls
  2. 2. we use this to order entitled replacements
  3. 5. weekly meeting
  4. 7. what we are required to upsell
  5. 10. where we find our metrics
  6. 12. with whom we are currently in contract negotiations
  7. 13. group conversation
  8. 14. customers can use this to access programs on mobile devices
  9. 16. happen twice a year
  10. 17. our manager