Test Your Radiation Therapy Knowledge

  1. 2. Patient _____ is the services rendered by members of the health professions for the benefit of a patient.
  2. 5. French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity and was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.
  3. 7. Also known as internal radiation therapy, this is a procedure in which radioactive material is placed directly into or near the cancer. The radiation is sealed in needles, seeds, wires or catheters.
  4. 8. ________ beam is a stream of high-energy particles often used to treat skin cancers.
  5. 10. This is placed in the path of the radiation beam to reduce the intensity of the radiation depending on the thickness and reduce does to normal tissues.
  6. 13. It is the branch of medicine devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
  7. 16. _______ Physics is the application of physics concepts, theories and methods to medicine or healthcare.
  8. 18. The medical use of ionizing radiation generally as part of cancer treatment to control malignant cells.
  9. 20. Radiation ________ is a health professional who works in the field of radiation oncology that plan and administer radiation treatments to cancer patients.
  10. 21. Radiation ___________ is the science and practice of protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation.
  11. 26. A process involving preliminary positioning, marking and imaging which is used to plan radiation treatment so that the area to be treated is precisely located and marked.
  12. 27. _______60is a synthetic radioactive isotope with a half-life of 5.2714 years and emits two gamma rays.
  13. 28. ___________ X-rays are produced by linear accelerators operating at voltages in excess of 1000 kV (1 MV) range, Beams with the voltage range of 4-25 MV are used to treat patients because they penetrate to deep sites within the body.
  14. 30. Intensity modulated radiotherapy also known as ____ is a treatment delivery technique geometrically shapes and modulates the intensities of the beams. This allows more radiation to treat the tumor while reducing the radiation to healthy tissues.
  15. 32. The _______volume is the volume of tissue at which treatment is aimed.
  16. 33. ________ Therapy is a term for a secondary treatment such as Radiation Therapy used in addition to the main (primary) treatment.
  17. 34. A form of radiation that can be used either at low levels to make a picture of the inside of the body or at high levels to kill cancer cells.
  1. 1. __________ guided radiotherapy (IGRT) uses 2D or 3D X-rays to guide the radiation therapy for each treatment session, the patient or treatment couch is adjusted to ensure precise location of the treatment target.
  2. 3. __________ accessories are used in Radiation Therapy designed to reduce patient movement.
  3. 4. Shortened name of a treatment machine generating radiation using electricity to form a beam of fast-moving subatomic particles called high-energy x-rays (photons) or electrons and is used for delivering radiation therapy to treat cancers.
  4. 6. It is the preferred measurement of the amount of radiation dose absorbed by the body.
  5. 9. Radiation________ is a specialist physician who prescribes ionizing radiation in the treatment of cancer.
  6. 11. A digitally reconstructed radiograph or ___ is a planar radiograph made by computer-projected rays through 3D CT density information.
  7. 12. External shape of a part of a body or imaged organ.
  8. 14. is the use of certain types of drugs to treat cancer.
  9. 15. The scheduled divided doses of radiation that are required to be given each day for a course of radiotherapy treatment.
  10. 17. Type of radiation treatment that uses a computer program to help shape the beams of radiation to match the shape of the tumor and delivers the beams from different directions rather than from one angle. This reduces the amount of radiation reaching nearby healthy tissues.
  11. 19. ________ Radiation carries enough energy to liberate electrons from atoms or molecules
  12. 22. Radiation Treatment ________ is the area of the body through which external beam radiation is directed to reach a tumor.
  13. 23. An abnormal lump or mass of tissue, these can be either benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancer).
  14. 24. It is the calculation and optimization of absorbed dose in order to plan the delivery of radiation therapy. It is performed by a medical dosimetrist with specialized training in the field.
  15. 25. ________ _________ CT is a diagnostic energy X-ray machine is mounted with the linear accelerator and by rotation acquires a three dimensional image of the tumour with the patient in the treatment position.
  16. 29. ________ rays are the high-energy rays that come from a radioactive element such as cobalt-60 or radium.
  17. 31. A general term for more than 100 diseases that have uncontrolled, abnormal growth of cells that can spread into healthy tissues.