
  1. 3. Fantastic addition to a hive
  2. 4. Winter feed
  3. 10. Pay your dues
  4. 12. chickens dont get this
  5. 13. Infestation of tracheae
  6. 14. Invented bee space
  7. 15. Early pollen
  8. 17. Keeps castes in their place
  9. 18. Guard agaist this in winter
  1. 1. Antique bee home
  2. 2. Parasitic mite
  3. 5. Smells of lemon
  4. 6. Brother Adam lived here
  5. 7. Makes the honey
  6. 8. Great bee plant
  7. 9. Dribbled in winter
  8. 11. Sharing food
  9. 16. Head of the hive