- 3. make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters.
- 5. The first animal you think of with a Z at the beginning
- 6. What came first? The _______ or the egg
- 7. basaltic lava forming very rough, jagged masses with a light frothy texture
- 8. The Greek mythology god of the underworld
- 12. Not possible
- 14. The substitute Soul Reaper
- 17. The giant star up in the sky
- 20. Impassioned; with passion or strong feeling
- 25. The thing you're doing now
- 29. The place where you recieve education
- 31. Just the ABC's
- 33. Very dry place with little to no water
- 36. Person who ate the Gum Gum Fruit
- 39. Everyone wonders what the meaning of this is.
- 40. The boy with the nine tailed fox
- 41. Overpowered main character in DBZ
- 42. Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, Dividing.
- 44. Spanish word for cat
- 45. All can see it
- 46. A royal woman
- 48. a word for "Piece of cake"
- 49. A red condiment you use on top of burgers
- 51. the food group that Ice Cream would be in
- 53. "What does the ___ say?"
- 1. Person who got One For All from All Might
- 2. the act of throwing someone out of a window
- 4. Strongest material in the world
- 9. A calm, gentle breeze
- 10. only a chosen few can see
- 11. the food that comes in a square box and is originally a circle till cut to a triangle
- 13. Red monster that lives on Sesame Street.
- 15. The Egyption god of the underworld
- 16. A yellow condiment you put on top of hot dogs
- 18. A social media site where everyone lies about how great their life is.
- 19. Abbreviation of United States of America
- 21. a writing utensil that uses lead.
- 22. Mans Best Friend
- 23. ther thing that drys your clothes
- 24. can be done, Opposite of Impossible
- 26. The thing that washes your clothes
- 27. #1 most played game
- 28. A nickname of puss n boots.
- 30. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple are examples of
- 32. Controls tide and lights up the night naturally
- 34. Knock off Fall Guys
- 35. A royal man
- 37. Useless school paper you have to do at home.
- 38. what came first? the chicken or the ___
- 43. 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197.
- 47. a simpler word for intelligent
- 50. Artist of the songs "Rap God" and "Godzilla".
- 51. A Roblox horror game revolving around doors
- 52. Sharp pointy thing with a hilt made of metal.