
  1. 3. make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters.
  2. 5. The first animal you think of with a Z at the beginning
  3. 6. What came first? The _______ or the egg
  4. 7. basaltic lava forming very rough, jagged masses with a light frothy texture
  5. 8. The Greek mythology god of the underworld
  6. 12. Not possible
  7. 14. The substitute Soul Reaper
  8. 17. The giant star up in the sky
  9. 20. Impassioned; with passion or strong feeling
  10. 25. The thing you're doing now
  11. 29. The place where you recieve education
  12. 31. Just the ABC's
  13. 33. Very dry place with little to no water
  14. 36. Person who ate the Gum Gum Fruit
  15. 39. Everyone wonders what the meaning of this is.
  16. 40. The boy with the nine tailed fox
  17. 41. Overpowered main character in DBZ
  18. 42. Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, Dividing.
  19. 44. Spanish word for cat
  20. 45. All can see it
  21. 46. A royal woman
  22. 48. a word for "Piece of cake"
  23. 49. A red condiment you use on top of burgers
  24. 51. the food group that Ice Cream would be in
  25. 53. "What does the ___ say?"
  1. 1. Person who got One For All from All Might
  2. 2. the act of throwing someone out of a window
  3. 4. Strongest material in the world
  4. 9. A calm, gentle breeze
  5. 10. only a chosen few can see
  6. 11. the food that comes in a square box and is originally a circle till cut to a triangle
  7. 13. Red monster that lives on Sesame Street.
  8. 15. The Egyption god of the underworld
  9. 16. A yellow condiment you put on top of hot dogs
  10. 18. A social media site where everyone lies about how great their life is.
  11. 19. Abbreviation of United States of America
  12. 21. a writing utensil that uses lead.
  13. 22. Mans Best Friend
  14. 23. ther thing that drys your clothes
  15. 24. can be done, Opposite of Impossible
  16. 26. The thing that washes your clothes
  17. 27. #1 most played game
  18. 28. A nickname of puss n boots.
  19. 30. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple are examples of
  20. 32. Controls tide and lights up the night naturally
  21. 34. Knock off Fall Guys
  22. 35. A royal man
  23. 37. Useless school paper you have to do at home.
  24. 38. what came first? the chicken or the ___
  25. 43. 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197.
  26. 47. a simpler word for intelligent
  27. 50. Artist of the songs "Rap God" and "Godzilla".
  28. 51. A Roblox horror game revolving around doors
  29. 52. Sharp pointy thing with a hilt made of metal.