Texas and the Civil War

  1. 1. Last name of the commander of Texans that took back Galveston Island for the Confederates.
  2. 4. Type of ship the Union used that had extra protection on its sides
  3. 6. Name of the city in Texas closest to where the last battle of the Civil War took place.
  4. 9. Immigrant group that refused to fight for the Confederacy, because they were against slavery, and instead tried to escape Texas, but were killed.
  5. 10. Name of the North during the Civil War
  6. 11. Vocabulary word meaning when states leave their country.
  7. 13. Terry's Texas Rangers were an example of this type of fighting force that fights on horseback.
  8. 14. Name of the fort at the Sabine River, where the Davis Guards successfully kept the Union from invading.
  9. 15. Number of years the Civil War lasted.
  10. 18. Vocabulary word meaning when people are required to join the army to fight in a war
  11. 19. Last name of the U.S. president during the Civil War.
  1. 2. Name of commander of Texans at the Battle of Sabine Pass.
  2. 3. A group of infantry from Texas that became famous during the Civil War for fighting hard.
  3. 5. Where Union first kicked the Confederates out, but then on New Years morning, 1863, the Texans retook the island.
  4. 7. Name of battle where Union ships were attacked when they tried to enter Texas by land with 4000 soldiers, but Texans at the fort stopped them.
  5. 8. Name of the last battle of the Civil War.
  6. 12. A main cause of the Civil War. The south depended on this for its agricultural economy.
  7. 13. Name of the Southern states that formed their own country, triggering the Civil War.
  8. 16. A main crop transported through Texas to Mexico, to be sent for sale to Britain
  9. 17. Last name of the Texas governor who had to resign because he was against seceding.