Texas and War with Mexico pgs. 394-399

  1. 2. The name of mexicans who lived in Texas.
  2. 7. (2 words) He was an army captain in the Texas Revolution. He was ordered to leave Alamo and go for help, which saved his life.
  3. 9. (5 words)Mexico's President.
  4. 10. (2 words)President Polk sent theis mar to lead soldiers into Texas and asked Congress to declare war on May 13, 1846.
  5. 11. (2 words) Leader of the first settlers from the United States who arrived in Texas in search of inexpensive land.
  6. 15. (2 words) The name of leader chosen to lead the Republic of Texas army.
  7. 16. Something that is given up.
  8. 17. The Act of joining two countries or pieces of land together.
  1. 1. (4 words) Agreement between the U.S. and Mexico, where Mexico agreed to accept the annexation of Texas and the Rio Grande.
  2. 3. (2 words) The belief that the United States should spread across the entire North American continent, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
  3. 4. The town where Houston led a surprise attack on Santa Anna's army and shouted the phrase "Remember the Alamo"
  4. 5. (2 words) The man became President in 1845 and Congress voted to annex Texas
  5. 6. (3 words) This person lived at the Alamo and he husband was killed in the battle but her and her baby survived.
  6. 8. (2 words) Well known hunter and trapper who fought to help Texas gain independence from Mexico. He lost his life.
  7. 12. (2 words) Sam Houston fought along side this future president during the War of 1812.
  8. 13. A 13 day battle.
  9. 14. When fighting takes place in a war.