Texas During the Civil War

  1. 2. the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61.
  2. 4. Political system in which power is shared between the national and central governments
  3. 7. The people have the complete authority over the government
  4. 8. Blocking off an area to keep supplies from getting in or out
  5. 10. abolished(ended) slavery in the United States
  6. 12. Concern for regional needs and interests
  7. 13. granted citizenship and equal civil and legal rights to African Americans and slaves who had been emancipated after the American Civil War
  8. 14. the states that were part of the United States under President Lincoln's government.
  1. 1. A tenant farmer who receives a portion of the crop
  2. 3. The act of giving someone freedom
  3. 5. Government in which representatives are chosen
  4. 6. granted African American men the right to vote
  5. 9. To withdraw, including the withdrawal of the States from the Union
  6. 11. the act of rebuilding, generally refers to the rebuilding of the Union following the Civil War