
  1. 5. The holiday before Thanksgiving.
  2. 8. What you do to food at dinner.
  3. 12. The name of the holiday.
  4. 15. A sauce made out of cranberries.
  5. 17. The rock that the pilgrims landed on.
  6. 18. What the pilgrims were on when they landed on America. (NOT LITERALLY)
  7. 19. The Friday of discounts on November 29.
  8. 20. The tribal people of Thanksgiving.
  1. 1. The main sport in Thanksgiving.
  2. 2. A bread supposedly made of corn.
  3. 3. A pie made out of pecans.
  4. 4. A pie made out of chocolate.
  5. 6. The English settlers of Thanksgiving.
  6. 7. A pie made out of pumpkins.
  7. 9. The place where Thanksgiving first took place.
  8. 10. What Thanksgiving is.
  9. 11. The potatoes served at a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.
  10. 13. Probably what they ate on the first Thanksgiving. (NOT TURKEY)
  11. 14. The main dish on Thanksgiving.
  12. 16. The holiday after Thanksgiving.