The 1800s
- 2. The territory the US bought from France in 1803
- 3. The Star-Spangled _________ was about a battle during the War of 1812
- 7. We celebrate this holiday to celebrate the last slaves who were freed by the Northern soldiers in Texas
- 9. The ________ separated from the North to establish a different country
- 12. The ocean the US expanded to in the 1800s
- 13. We celebrate _______ Day to remember the struggles workers fought and fight for
- 14. He was the President during the Civil War
- 1. One problem that led to the Civil War
- 4. The 13th ____________ stopped slavery in the US
- 5. The _________ won the Civil War
- 6. She fought for civil rights
- 8. We celebrate ________ Day to remember all soldiers who died during wars
- 10. The Emancipation ___________ freed the slaves in the south
- 11. The ________ war was one war the US fought in the 1800s